Rezultati ulaznog testa njemačkog jezika


Poštovani/a, uspješno ste završili ulazno testiranje i ostvarili rezultate koji odgovaraju A2.1 nivou.

Naravno, trebalo bi da uzmete u obzir da ovo nije precizno testiranje kao usmeni test sa profesorom, pa ukoliko želite još tačniju procjenu nivoa možete zakazati plaćeno testiranje (25e/60 min).

Ukoliko se odlučite da pohađate neki od kurseva kod nas, preporuka je da se odlučite za standardni intenzivni kurs u kojem radite sa još devet ljudi i zajedno idete do cilja sa nekim od naših profesora. Ukoliko, pak, želite brzu pripremu za ispit ili ekstra brzi napredak preporuka su individualni časovi. Mejl programi su tu da dopune vaše postojeće znanje.

Hvala na ukazanom povjerenju!

Paid Testing with Teacher Slađana

For a more detailed assessment of your Level in German, we offer paid testing at the price of 25€/60 minutes. The test will be available to you before our meeting, and during our consult, Teacher Slađana will test your conversation skills.

Standard Intensive Course

This course provides detailed and tailored online teaching in small groups. The course is held via Zoom, with a focus on interaction and conversation, along with accompanying materials and recordings of each lesson.

Individual and Semi-Individual Classes

These classes provide an opportunity for more intensive language learning with the possibility to adapt the lessons to individual needs and goals. If you want to make quick progress and receive special attention, this is the right choice.

Email Learning Program

The email program is a collaboration between us and Nanas Deutschkurs and is designed to help those who need regular learning reminders. We will send you detailed explanations, audio exercises and short video lessons.

Improve Your Vocabulary Email Program

Improve Your Vocabulary is a program I designed when I realized that acquiring words is the biggest hurdle my students face.

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If you’d like to find a fun fact about the German culture or a simple grammar explanation with useful vocabulary words in your inbox each Monday, all you need to do is sign up with your email address and we’ll meet you there.