Apply for the Improve Your
Vocabulary Email Program (English)

Dear Sir/Madam,

This email program is for those of you who are a little lazy to devote yourselves to learning new words, and are at level A2 or above.

What’s the goal? The goal is for you to learn 15 new words (three words a day) every week of this program, and translate 25 sentences a week.

Every weekday, you will receive a document in PDF from me including:

At the end of the month, we’ll do a quiz to check on your learning. The quiz is online and interactive. It will include translation and using the words in context. We’ll also have a group Facebook page where we can practice together. We start on 20 September, and end on 20 December.

The price of the program is 25€ a month. At the end of the program, you should know 200-250 new words, not including the ones you learn along with the translation.

Application Form:

Test Your Level in English for Free

Click the button below to do a free test and determine your current Level in English.

Paid Testing with Teacher Slađana

For a more detailed assessment of your Level in English, we offer paid testing at the price of 25€/60 minutes. The test will be available to you before our meeting, and during our consult, Teacher Slađana will test your conversation skills.

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If you’d like to find a fun fact about the German culture or a simple grammar explanation with useful vocabulary words in your inbox each Monday, all you need to do is sign up with your email address and we’ll meet you there.