Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your interest in the PRIMA DEUTSCHKURS at our school. You will find all the details in this message, and I will be here to answer any additional questions you may have. Please first read this message carefully.

After you fill out this form, you will receive an automated email with payment details. BEFORE MAKING THE PAYMENT, please confirm the SCHEDULE of your group with our administration and MAKE SURE IT SUITS YOU. This step is necessary because WE DO NOT OFFER REFUNDS.

Test Your Level in German for Free

Click the button below to do a free test and determine your current level in German.

Formular za prijavu

Paid Testing with Teacher Slađana

For a more detailed assessment of your level in German, we offer paid testing at the price of 25€/60 minutes. The test will be available to you before our meeting, and during our consult, Teacher Slađana will test your conversation skills.

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