About Us

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About Studium School

Since 2017, Studium School has been synonymous with successful learning, a cheerful vibe and a professional team of instructors. We are exceptionally proud of the fact that in just five years of business, we have been able to meet the expectations of over 1,000 students and received a great deal of positive feedback. Our school’s goal is not for you to learn a language in a dry and traditional way, but for you to enjoy the process. We have organized our courses to be accessible to everyone, while being just as good and high- quality to help you achieve any results you want if you’re willing to put in some hard work.

Meet Our Founder, Slađana Milošević

I am Slađana Milošević, a certified English and German language teacher. My love for languages began in early childhood, when I would spend every moment of free time I had reading or listening to something in English and German. I knew that teaching was the love of my life and that if I chose it as a profession, I would be tremendously good at it. That’s exactly the reason why I decided to create a community of people and establish a school that would bust myths about how difficult English and German are and be your quickest part towards success.

Our Team and Approach to Teaching

The Studium team is made up of young, ambitious individuals who, first and foremost, consistently learn and work on themselves, and then pass their knowledge on to you. Passing on knowledge is an art and a skill. Simply knowing a language doesn’t get results in itself, as much as the dedication of the instructor and the methods they use. In addition to traditional learning methods (which we do not shy away from), our school also uses all the advantages of online learning and modern teaching tools. We believe that learning is best accomplished through play, songs, videos, etc., and of course, we mostly put a focus on conversation. We plan on expanding our team in the future, introducing new courses and languages and advancing your knowledge in the best way possible. Join us and let’s reach our goals together!

German Courses

Immerse yourself in the world of the German language with us. Our learning method puts an emphasis on communication skills, using tailored content and interactive tools for the most effective language acquisition.

English Courses

We offer English language courses for all levels. With a focus on communication skills, tailored content and interactive tools, our goal is to provide our students with a comprehensive learning experience.

Sign Up For Our Free Newsletter

If you’d like to find a fun fact about the German culture or a simple grammar explanation with useful vocabulary words in your inbox each Monday, all you need to do is sign up with your email address and we’ll meet you there.


Hi, I’m Zorana and I teach German at Studium School. I have several years of experience in this field, working with adults as well as with children. In my years of teaching, I’ve noticed that for many people stage fright and a fear of public speaking are the biggest hurdles in language learning. That’s exactly why my classes have a laid back vibe (within reason) where everyone has an opportunity to speak regardless of possible mistakes, because mistakes are how we learn. Working in groups allows students to support each other, something that any member of my group can confirm, as we are like a family. A pleasant vibe, positive energy and a hardworking team will lead you to fall in love with learning German too.


Hello, I am Uroš and I work as a German language teacher at Studium school. Working with people particularly inspires me, which is why I chose this profession. I strive to convey my knowledge in the most qualitative, simple, and creative way possible. My main goal is to help students achieve their goals and dreams in German-speaking countries. For this reason, during classes, we equally practice all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.


Hi, I’m Snežana, I’m 24 and I teach German. I love learning new languages and exploring different cultures. The German language has been the love of my life since I was little and it is my greatest pleasure to pass that love on to my students.


Hi, my name is Marijana and I work as a German instructor at Studium School. I have years of experience working with children as well as adults. I believe that learning a foreign language takes each person on a unique and different path, and it’s the instructor’s role to make that process more straightforward. My greatest source of motivation and satisfaction in working with people lies in their success, especially their ability to effortlessly navigate life or work situations in German. I try to use modern teaching methods alongside textbooks in my classes, to make learning German easier and more enjoyable for my students. In my free time, I like to travel, read and spend time in nature.


Hello everyone, my name is Jelena and I’ve been working at Studium School for over a year now, alongside wonderful teachers from all over the Balkans. I’m best known as the teacher who gives a lot of homework, although I also often hear the classic: that I’m “strict but fair”. My classes always follow a clearly defined program that we work through in class, and mandatory additional materials which follow that program precisely, to maximize language recycling. I believe that we must start with small segments that first need to be repeated across different contexts to be internalized, in order to create a foundation for growth and development that we later build upon. I know that the process of building this foundation can be frustrating because it requires a lot of mental energy, but I’m always here to facilitate, support, and cheer you on through that process. And once we have the foundation, it’s like getting wheels that make our journey through language challenges a lot easier, faster, and more comfortable. We travel across the valleys of quiet preparation to discuss with a partner, through the tunnels of grammar exercises, we go on expeditions to conquer marathon texts with unfamiliar words and set off on ocean-crossing voyages composing texts about our experiences. Join us in new adventures every class!


Hi! My name is Dragana and I’m a German teacher at Studium School. I fell in love with the German language spontaneously. Spontaneity turned into love, and eventually into a profession and a career path. My main goal in my work with students is, first and foremost, to develop a positive attitude and opinion towards the German language and culture. That’s one of my top concerns in my work. On the other hand, I strive to have my students develop and practice all skills and acquire knowledge logically and dynamically, which is basically what German language is all about: dynamics and logic. I spend my free time reading German authors and exploring unusual phenomena in the German language. Deutsch über alles!


Hi, I’m Žana and I’m an instructor at the Studium school. I’m about to complete my master’s degree in German, and I also speak English, Italian, French, Spanish and Turkish. Languages have been my passion since I learned my first letter, and as I grew up, so did my desire to get to know other countries, their cultures and their customs. I love traveling, books and working with people, and I especially find joy in situations where I’m able to share my knowledge with others or learn something new. That’s why I see teaching as a process of mutual learning, where both sides see benefits every day. Every interaction with my students gives me wings to fly towards new knowledge. One thing I would like all of my students, current and future, to know, is that the learning process is an endless expanse of ideas, fun and thoughts that reign within every one of us, with a touch of perseverance and determination, of course.


Hello, my name is Lucija, and I am a staff member at Studium School. My adventure with the German language began quite unexpectedly when I enrolled in German studies. Throughout the entire studying process, my interest grew, especially in the last few years when I realized that teaching this language is my calling. I try to prove to myself and my students that learning is a lifelong process, and every day is a new opportunity to acquire a drop in the ocean of knowledge. Through interactive and didactically instructive tasks, I convey my knowledge in the most creative way possible. My goal is to create a relaxed atmosphere and break down barriers and prejudices about the German language. In addition to learning and practicing grammar and vocabulary, I directly incorporate knowledge about German culture into my teaching to complete a unique whole. The knowledge of a language and the culture of a nation open up new dimensions, new perceptions, and new possibilities, so I warmly recommend it to all those who want to learn a new language. Through your knowledge, my value grows, so mutual satisfaction is ensured.


Hello, I’m Dragana and I work as an English teacher at Studium Language School. I’m currently pursuing a master’s degree in English language and literature. I’ve been madly in love with languages since I was little and I’ve tried my hand at learning a number of languages including Japanese, Korean, Russian and Italian. I’m a very curious person, so besides languages I also love reading and watching content that will help me improve and develop as a teacher, and as a person. I have experience working with all levels, and one of my goals as a teacher is to provide a productive, comfortable and friendly environment for my students, so that learning English is not stressful for them and that they always feel free to express their thoughts, opinions, fears and goals without any judgment. Language learning is a lengthy and often exhausting process, but it’s also very fun and rewarding if you’re determined and persistent. Baby steps to giant strides. :)


Hallo zusammen, mein Name ist Tatjana, und ich wurde in der Schweiz geboren, stamme aber aus der malerischen Stadt Banja Luka in Bosnien, wo ich 10 Jahre gelebt habe. Inzwischen lebe ich seit 18 Jahren in der wunderschönen Schweiz, genauer gesagt in Zürich. Hier habe ich mich für ein Studium der Soziologie und Umweltwissenschaften entschieden. Neben meiner Muttersprache Deutsch und Serbisch beherrsche ich auch Schweizerdeutsch, Englisch und Italienisch. Das Reisen in verschiedene Länder und das Kennenlernen neuer Kulturen und Traditionen bereitet mir außerordentlich viel Freude. Mir liegt es besonders am Herzen, Menschen die Angst vor dem Lernen einer neuen Sprache zu nehmen, um ihnen den Weg zur Beherrschung dieser neuen Sprache zu erleichtern. Ich freue mich darauf, euch kennenzulernen!


Hello! My name is Vesna and I’m from Montenegro. I’ve been working as a German teacher for a long time, online as well as in the classroom. I work with both adults and children. Studium School opened its door to me to teach German exactly the way every teacher would wish for. And that, of course, made it very easy for me to share my satisfaction and love of this language with my students.


Hello, my name is Milica and I’m one of the German teachers at Studium School. My love for this language began at an early age, so I’ve always known that I would get into this line of work. It is my task to introduce you to the world of the German language in a very engaging, easy, and creative way. My favorite part of this job is direct interaction with students and developing creative thinking in class. In my free time, I translate non-literary texts, read or watch TV shows in German. German is often thought of as the language of writers and thinkers. Our greatest minds were educated in German and our collaboration with the German cultural and economic spaces has been going strong for centuries. Being a Germanist is just as challenging today as it was decades ago. Don’t forget that good organization and persistence are always the key to success! :)


Hi, my name is Nejra and I’m a German teacher at Studium School. I enjoy this job because each lesson provides new challenges and opportunities for inspiration. I’m constantly improving myself and following the latest trends in language teaching, because I believe that learning is a continuous process. With my experience working with adults as well as with children, i try to keep my classes dynamic and interesting, tailored to the needs of each group. I believe that everyone can master German with dedication and support. I also believe that language is not an obstacle, but a path towards new possibilities and open doors to the world. Learning is a give-and-take process — I always learn something new from my students and I continue to develop from this exchange of knowledge. Every conversation, each opinion or perspective they share contributes to my personal and professional growth. That’s another reason why I love my job — I never stop learning and growing alongside my students.


Hi, I’m Jelena and I teach German at Studium School. From the beginning of my education, I’ve shown an interest in social sciences, so German studies were a natural choice when I started college. In my work with students, I strive to develop and nurture all four linguistic skills to help them be able to use the language in everyday communication. I believe it’s super important to use authentic materials made for native speakers in class, such as movies, TV programs, shows, songs, videos, etc. This content not only improves and enhances students’ language skills, but also stimulates and boosts their motivation, which I really consider to be very important. Moreover, I try to establish a nice, friendly relationship with students in my class, and encourage them to take pleasure in coming to my lessons.


Hi or Hallo, zusammen! I’m Zorica, a German teacher at Studium School. Besides German, I also speak English. I graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Niš. I’ve been teaching for a number of years and I’m always looking forward to new experiences. Languages are a passion for me and in my classes I like to provoke my students’ interest by not having them be monotonous, I want my students to participate. Any foreign language is just words on a paper if we don’t make it come alive through use and dialogue. That’s why my students start forming sentences and connecting ideas very quickly. Of course, I also like to keep a more relaxed vibe because that’s when the students loosen up and overcome their stage fright. No matter how much experience a person has in this job, there’s always room for more, and the people I work with often inspire me to share as much knowledge with them as I possibly can.


Hello! My name is Miljana, and I am a German teacher at Studium School. My love for reading and writing, as well as my curiosity for discovering foreign cultures, developed in my childhood, and later grew into a passion for languages. Working with both adults and children fulfills me and provides numerous valuable experiences, as well as the opportunity to support others on their journey to achieving personal goals. This is the essence of the teaching profession, and that’s why I’m in this role today. In my teaching process, I strive to encourage students to reach their full potential and motivate them to never give up on learning, whether it’s German or other languages, because I believe each of us is a source of endless possibilities waiting to be discovered. So, join me in the fun process of learning German, while always discovering something new :)


Guten Tag, liebe Teilnehmer! Ich freue mich, euch hier zu sehen! Greetings to everyone who has visited our school’s website! :) I’m glad you’ve made it to the “About us” section for the teachers, and I hope we’ll get to know each other even better during the lessons. My name is Lana, and I’m a German language teacher with a degree in German Studies. Based on my previous experience, I’ll share a bit of what my students say, and I’ll leave the rest for you to discover on your own. :) They say I have a lot of patience in class and explain things really well, which I find very important when it comes to teaching. But when you love the language and know a few other foreign languages, explaining becomes much easier. So, I’ll leave it to you to gather the rest of the impressions. Welcome, and let’s learn German together! Because learning a language is not just about learning words; it’s about learning how to think and understand the world! :)


Hi, I’m Ljiljana, a German language teacher at Studium school. I developed a love for the German language and teaching back in elementary school, which later guided me toward studying at the Faculty of Philology in Banja Luka. In addition to German and English, I’m currently learning Italian. Traveling and discovering new cultures fulfill me, and spending time with people brings me special joy. Teaching allows me to see tangible results of my work and makes me feel productive. Working with students is a mutual learning experience and a constant source of inspiration for me. Every encounter with students brings new energy and opportunities for growth. Learning a language opens endless worlds, and perseverance and dedication are key in this process.


Hello, my name is Ivana, and I work as a teacher at Studium school. I have many years of experience working with both children and adults. As a German language teacher, I strive to make learning German interesting and creative by using modern methods. I tailor the lessons to my students’ needs and goals. My greatest motivation comes from satisfied students who achieve positive results. In my teaching, I focus on developing all four language skills. In my classes, we start speaking right away in a relaxed atmosphere so that students can handle everyday situations. I’m a big nature lover, and in my free time, I enjoy reading books and exploring new countries and cultures.


I’m Damir, a German language teacher with a great passion for travel and music. These loves inspired me to dedicate myself to language learning and exploring other cultures. In my work with people, I strive to bring the richness of culture, customs, and the unique aspects of the German-speaking world closer through the German language. I believe that language is a bridge that connects people, and my mission is to facilitate that connection and create a space for dialogue and understanding.